Hello - like many rental property owners in Italy I am now h...
Hello - like many rental property owners in Italy I am now having to pay rental tax on my Italian Airbnb property (I live in ...
I would like to decline having Airbnb collect and remit Use Taxes to my state . I will collect and remit them just as I do for my direct bookings. How do I change the settings? Is there a down side to this course?
Thank you, Hosts.
@Harriet103 The ability to opt out of Airbnb's automatic tax collection might not be available in all regions, as tax laws vary greatly. Additionally, Airbnb's help center says, they automatically collect taxes applicable to the address you enter for your listing. You may check your listing if you can opt out of the automatic collection of taxes or you may also contact Airbnb support for further information about Airbnb collecting taxes on behalf of hosts. Hope this helps!
Suggesting to contact Support and they are likely to be even less knowledgeable because they are not legally qualified so would be acting outside of there scope of knowledge and legal qualifications @Alicia753
These challenges for all of us go back to the use of a Standard Template that is full of Roadworks and bots blocking day to day harmony in everyone's lives as so many Platforms have been sold Lemons by Snake Oil Sales people since Adam was an Apple.
@Joan2709it's highly likely ABB would be acting outside of there Legal Jurisdictions taking the blanket approach they now are without providing Options for us.
Note how this has become a regular problem for us all and not once have there IT Team been held personally to account, have they?
It's all very well and good for our monies to be spent on ''Designers of ABB Patents" - look them up , to do bulk email outs to say 'Rooms' Listings as an example however we are all unique in our own ways and one size doe not fit all.
It's also likely where and how ABB got reprimanded with Process Failures through the Irish Data Protection Regulator.
Some of this nonsense going on goes back to IBM systems no longer operating as they were intended as and the lack of Human Intervention and a serious failure of Rule of Laws because of the Internet.
There's far too much Copy / Paste these days with a lack of Critical Thinking.
In regards to Opt to default and Tax, we are unable to complete the Standard Copy Paste from sent to us as it's not fit for purpose.
Look up the history of the world famous Nudge Unit / Behavioral Insights Teams that various Governments have signed up to and the senselessness stops and starts with those people as they failed to factor into account Rule of Law and said back in the mid 2004-2007 era it would be problematic and sure as can be it's a Failure.
We can only hope @Brian and his team follow up on this and help get our Governments a Refund because 'What Works' is Not Working in it's current format and application.
Ah to be an Economist rather than a Behavioural Scientist !
@Harriet103 @Dee1054 @Frances3408
@Harriet103 I am not aware that there is any setting, toggle or option checkbox to opt out of tax collection for anyone whose State, County or municipality has entered into a collection contract with AirBnB.
I keep a spreadsheet of all my bookings. Tax columns for direct bookings are noted separately from the OTAs that (purportedly) pay my taxes. On the tax reports that I have to file monthly, quarterly and annually, I report the gross earnings from all bookings, the taxes that I have taken directly and then in the prepayment or credit line I enter the taxes that AirBnB collected. Fairly straightforward.
Do your filing forms have a line for prepaid (by AirBnB) or a tax credit?
I'm in the same boat. The support is absolutely garbage for this issue and Airbnb seems determined to take away my ability to pay my own **bleep** taxes. I pay monthly, my county confirms they see nothing from Airbnb so I do not trust that the payments are getting made unless I do it myself. Airbnb needs to rectify this. I've been opted out of automatic remittance since I started in 2020, and this is the first year they've taken away the opt-out button. 😡
The exact same thing is happening to me in Norfolk, Virginia and I have contacted Support over six times with no assistance. None of the tax money reached my account
It seems from the other Host comments, if Airbnb has an official agreement with a taxing authority to collect and pay the taxes, then Hosts are not able to "opt out" anymore. To verify if you have that option, go to:
Listing Editor
Click preferences icon top right
Click Taxes
@Joan2709. Looks like Airbnb has taken away this option now for Aussie hosts where previously I had selected the second ie Opt Out. Instead of this section is now a generic statement: "Your listing is in Shoalhaven Heads where Airbnb may collect and remit occupancy taxes on your behalf".
Technically in the state of NSW we dont have any occupancy taxes yet (unlike in Victoria where its starting from 1 Jan). I guess they expect it will come in across the country and are getting ready!!
Yes...I fear this will become a bigger and bigger issue as more and more jurisdictions add new taxes on STRs and/or license restrictions. Some of the license requirements I am all for; especially those related to safety of the listing.