
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Insurance Claim for personal Injury to Guest

Level 1
Boston, MA

Insurance Claim for personal Injury to Guest

A tenant slipped on icy steps in front of my property and hurt her leg.


She will go see her doctor soon to check on the inflammation. Of course she wants me to pay for any expenses. I read through the Host Protection Insurance summary and it looks like this situation is covered.


However, I've read so many stories here about the HPI being a sham. Should I tell her to file a claim now at 

Top Answer

My story is like yours. I finally got Airbnb to sent me this link.

Note the words in the link read "insurance form". I haven't filed the info. yet, but in case you want to.


Secondly, we need to file a class-action lawsuit. All of us with stories, experience, etc. Somewhere there has to be a lawyer unafraid enough to help.

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62 Replies 62

My story is like yours. I finally got Airbnb to sent me this link.

Note the words in the link read "insurance form". I haven't filed the info. yet, but in case you want to :

that was ME!!!!  Im still following up on my claim, and they refuse to respond.  I have gotten a response in i think three months.  I am still continuing for an update though.  

Level 1
Venice, FL

Hi Hosts,

While I had a guest in my unit his sister visited and fell on the bottom step of the staircase. My actual guest told me they had been drinking wine and noticed  eventually they didnt see her and went to look for her ouside, where they found her on the bottom step which is where she tripped from. I am being sued in excess of $30,000.00 by the guest of my guest who was hospitalized and treated.  Airbnb is being absolutely useless. This incident happened in March and it is nearly November receiving the court summons. Does anyone know what I can do to get airbnb to contact the insurance company who handles this liability issue?

D Phelan

please keep us posted. 

ITs a shame. That is peanuts to them. The lawsuit situation is crazy

Debra, so what's the update on this?

Let me know when you do.  Im dealing with their claims department and she has yet to respond.  I may go to a lawyer at this point. 

Level 1
Newbold Coleorton, United Kingdom

If you have a fall at an Airbnb host property because there is an uneven floor level as you come down the open stairs directly on to the living room carpet, who is responsible for that. You could not visually see the uneven floor as under the fitted carpet and no alcohol or drunken behaviour was involved. I am 52 years old and arrived with my husband as the first ones at the property. We were simply unloading the car. I took the first bag up to the bedroom and on the way down the stairs stepped with my left leg onto the lounge carpet where it was uneven and I did on the very edge of the two differing floor heights, fell into the lower bit and twisted my foot under me breaking my foot. There were no warning signs of this uneven floor. It could not been seen but could be felt once you knew it was there. Other people on our stay could clearly feel it too once you knee it was there. Upon advising the owner of the problem they sounded horrified, said they hadn't been to the property in a while and did not know of this problem and the cleaner hadn't said anything, would inspect straight the way, wished me well and sent me flowers. On asking for an update as to the reason of the uneven floor and any action taken they said I had to go through airbnb. They made me fill out a claim form for third party legal assessment if whether there was any negligence of the hosts. I should at least get the cost of the accommodation back and loss of theatre tickets since as can not go. Can't drive or work for minimum 6 weeks and A&E confirmed a break not just a sprained ankle and had to have my foot and leg plastered up to my knee. Lack of mobility as the main driver for our family has caused all sorts of problems. Airbus are not checking problem of health and safety matter sorted at specific property and its still on their website as available to rent despite Airbnb being told of health and safety concerns and their slogan being 'your safety is our priority'

@Sandy420 do you have health insurance, if this happened in your home country? If travelling, do you have travel insurance? This would be your first port of call. Probably better than asking for the host to refund, although I do see where you're coming from. What you want are your medical costs refunded, not to become involved in a frivolous lawsuit as a serial litigant. Best of luck and hope that the insurance situation sorts itself out.

My story is like yours. I finally got Airbnb to sent me this link.

Note the words in the link read "insurance form". I haven't filed the info. yet, but in case you want to.


Secondly, we need to file a class-action lawsuit. All of us with stories, experience, etc. Somewhere there has to be a lawyer unafraid enough to help.

thanks for the link, i will try it. i broke my wrist slipping on stairs that were too shallow and no guardrail. needed surgery with plate and screws. filed a claim with air bnb, came to a dead end -- no one responding anymore--

@Trinity24 Sorry that you slipped and broke your wrist. Ouch!


Did you first inform host? I ask because it seems that host should be held responsible due to no handrails. I would think this would have gone through host’s home owner’s insurance under liability. 

i kept them informed about my injury but they just kept saying things like, " we hope you heal up soonn!" 

The completely slandered me online that I go around and make false claims.  I only did AIR bnb ONE TIME. ONE.  And i didnt even stay.  I'm hoping i recieve a response soon, its been weeks since they have answered me since the last time.