After 3 months of struggle to get Airbnb to pay me and speak...
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After 3 months of struggle to get Airbnb to pay me and speaking to every ambassador and Senior case manager, there is still ...
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We are residents, and have several AirBnB Licensed Vacation rentals. AirBnB has been supportIng Guests by at first pushing for 100% refunds, and now started threatening to even attach FUTURE EARNINGS by forcing refunds for guests who could not make it when the fires started, and could not cancel. We supported refunds up to the $18,000 mark, but we can no longer make our mortgage payments, and have to delay things. We are in an area not directly affected by the fire, but of course our hearts, soul and minds are with the Maui residents who were wiped out. Now we the small businesses are being wiped out with the second, hidden disaster of complete economic shutdown of Maui, AND AirBnB throwing us under the bus. Does anyone else think that
1.) AirBnB should, as they did in the middle part of the Pandemic - go after Govt money, and assure that BOTH Guests AND Hosts are treated fairly? Not 100% vs Zero%?
2.) Offer Hosts some compensation, so we do not only suffer cancellations all the way through the end of 2023 (??!?!) but now they are trying to take funds from our exhausted bank account?
Something is very wrong with this picture, and AirBnB is killing their own Golden Geese - We the faithful AirBnB Partner/Hosts.
Ideas? Others?
Answered! Go to Top Answer
I feel you and have been wondering why the onus is completely on us hosts whose entire income may be our airbnb. There seems to be a misconception that if you have an airbnb you are made of money or something crazy and false! Our hearts are broken and hurting for everyone who have lost so much and we are doing all we can to help. And what do we do for our the housekeeper who cleans our now vacant airbnb and depends on us for her livelihood! You worded it so well. The secondary crisis is upon us.
@Gabby26 Could you claim from your insurance for loss of earnings? I know ours covers us if there is a major issue affecting our listings.
Thank you - You have better insurance than we do, but your answer is appreciated. We experienced the same issue during the Pandemic...
@Gabby26. So sorry that you are all going through this terrible time , but would it not be better to allow all those who need to to cancel and begin to provide accommodation again , as I imagine agencies and support workers will really begin to need you and to try and recoup that way . All the very best for what will be an uphill struggle for a lot of people . If you still have something standing ... H
Thank you. Thought I had replied before, but apparently not sent. Yes, our place is over 3 hours away from devastated Lahaina, and completely untouched by the tragic fires. And therefore far to distant to provide any displaced person housing, since they need to, and want to stay near their family and their lost homes. We are offering some free rooms to the firefighters who needed a break. Unfortunately we are unable to help much more due to complete lack of support from AirBnB, and the flawed messaging from Maui's Mayor and Hawaii's Government that Maui is Devastated. Not true, Lahaina is sadly devastated. 98% plus of maui is untouched, and without visitors, small businesses are being strangled economically. Maui needs visitors and guests so we can recover and rebuild. Flawed support. Flawed messaging - all causing a secondary hidden disaster on Maui - the economic collapse of Small businesses. We appreciate your response.
Our CORE message to AirBnB is that they should go after Government support on behalf of their (formerly) Faithful hosts, and get us at least a token payment for these hundreds of cancellations - wherein AirBnB is supporting 100% refunds for guests and absolute ZERO for their hosts. They did a little of that in the middle of the Pandemic. Time to do it again, while we have a chance of staying in business. Example - we had a 90%+ occupancy rate before the fire. Last night we had 100% Vacancy rate - not a single guest in all 8 rooms of our Mom-and-Pop Bed and Breakfast. We need help. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and appreciated response.
I feel you and have been wondering why the onus is completely on us hosts whose entire income may be our airbnb. There seems to be a misconception that if you have an airbnb you are made of money or something crazy and false! Our hearts are broken and hurting for everyone who have lost so much and we are doing all we can to help. And what do we do for our the housekeeper who cleans our now vacant airbnb and depends on us for her livelihood! You worded it so well. The secondary crisis is upon us.
Our loss of life and Historic Lahaina town has us heartbroken. That is the catastrophe the world has seen. Maui is devastated. Maui is burned. The FACT is Maui is heartbroken. Lahaina is Devastated, Maui is not, BUT Maui will be Financially devastated unless the world comes to understand we are a tourist based economy.
We NEED visitors to come and support our small businesses. The second unknown tragedy on Maui is the complete strangulation of all of Maui's small tourist based businesses. Julia4211's words feel like I wrote them and they have the ring of truth. The message must be gotten out there that Maui needs support, business, and visitors in order to recover, To Rebuild. And AirBnB's treatment of Maui hosts - thusfar - is shameful, and only has added to our pain and suffering. We are offering free rooms to firefighters, some displaced families, and our rooms that are available for rental income sit completely empty. No support from outside (yet) and as stated above - how do we pay our housekeepers, when we are put in the position of ZERO income, and our guests - who are canceling through the end of the whole year - are receiving 100% refund lobbying from our supposed partners - AirBnB? AirBnB grew to be a successful company SOLELY DUE to Hosts like ourselves. The Golden Geese for AirBnB, and they again - as they did in the early part of the Pandemic - are still throwing us under the bus.
I agree with you. It's an impossible situation and we don't know what to do either.
We can get the message out there - The MAYOR of Maui is obliged to amend his message to help small businesses. Hawaii's Governor DID on Monday, as part of his speech when President Biden was in Lahaina. More people need to get this message. Of course, it is still a sad and tragic time, so Aloha and care needs to accompany the message of the Second Hidden tragedy of Maui - the decamation of Maui's surviving small businesses.
Yes,Julia4211. AirBnB DID offer some token payback to hosts, in the middle part of the pandemic. After they succeeded at - as a huge company - getting some Govt relief. Hoping they are working on that this time around.
Hi, We have an AirBnB booked in the Kapalua area for the 18th to the 25th of September. We understand that this area is off limits for tourists until October 17th at least.
Have tried to get a refund but are totally in the dark as should we go shouldn't we go, will we be in violation of a government decree? Can we get a refund?
Nobody wants to tell us anything and as a tourist thousands of miles away and in my late sixties this is very upsetting.
What in the earth should we do?
@Christine3843 you can contact your host and also contact Airbnb. all the best.. H
Hello and Aloha Christine3843 -
I am a resident of Maui, host of 8 AirBnB Listings (on the Hana side) and very plugged into the facts of what is going on here.
The messaging from officials started off bumpy and all over the map. The shock made it inconsistent and contradictory.
The truth? Lahaina and some small part of the "West Side" is closed. Lahaina is decemated, MAUI IS NOT.
The rest of Maui- especially the tourist based industries/businesses (read as 80% of Maui) needs good guests to come, or they will be the second hidden catastrophe - the destruction of thousands of small businesses.
So the right answer? Please, come to Maui.
THAT is part of our path to recovery, rebuilding and getting back to normal as soon as we can following our heartbreaking loss of life and Historic Lahaina town.
Here is the exact words to listen to from our Governor:
August 21, during his remarks alongside President Joe Biden and Hawaiʻi congressional delegation from the impacted area of Lahaina, Hawaiʻi Governor Josh Green continued to emphasize only the need to avoid West Maui at this time, as well as the importance of travel to the rest of Maui and the other Hawaiian Islands and the economic impact it has on the well-being of Maui and its recovery.” Aug 18th Gov Green is quoted correctly with:
“It would be catastrophic if no one traveled to the island.”
Hope this helps. Mahalo! Gabby and Family - Hana Inn Maui
The pandemic is something that affected hosts around the world @Gabby26
Sadly around the world there are fires, hurricanes, floods and earthquakes that affect individual countries and areas on an ongoing basis .
I do hope your local government helps support local business after it focuses on those who have lost their homes and business.
I agree with @Mike-And-Jane0 thst hosts should take out business protection insurance to help protect your income in situations like this
thinking of all those affected by fires around the world particularly those in poorer areas without the money and resources to support their communities.
airbnb should absolutely refund guests unable to travel due to government travel warnings .
hosts should look to their insurance /local government support to help sustain your STR business .