NSW Data Sharing Requirement from 1 November 2021

Level 1
South West Rocks, Australia

NSW Data Sharing Requirement from 1 November 2021

I just received an email this morning as a follow-up on the 26/9/2021 making it compulsory for me to apply for a registration number with the New South Wales Government and be fire compliant

I no longer feel I'm in control of my own home, that I need to jump through every hoop put in my way, pay the fee or else

And now this...

Even though this rule does not apply to me, can someone explain why the NSW Government now deems that STRA listings, where the Host is not on the premises during a guest’s stay, are limited to 180 nights per year?

How does this benefit anyone, what are they trying to stop?


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bexley, Australia


I believe the aim was to find a solution to the shortage of housing for local residents requiring long term rental.  It is yet to be seen if that will work, but  I have noticed a reduction in the Airbnb listings in my area since mandatory registration was introduced. I am hoping that will mean more bookings for those of us left when we fully open up - to make up for the lean times during lockdown.