Hello, I have a need for two houses either side by side, or ...
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Hello, I have a need for two houses either side by side, or on the same street. Any suggestions? I'm looking to stay in the P...
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Hi. New regs come into force on 1st October. Does anyone know what is actually required?
I’m hoping that we can write our own risk assessment?
Do we need smoke alarms in every letting room?
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@Toby166 I am sure I will forget something but:
Smoke alarms in all bedrooms, escape routes and Heat alarms in Kitchens. All need to be mains powered and interlinked.
Locks need to be unlock able from inside without a key
Lighting needs to be provided in the event of an emergency
Possibly yearly PAT testing and certification f the electrics every 5 years
Written risk assessment needs to be updated yearly
As long as you are competent you can write the assessment yourself.
Link To government document
@Toby166 I am sure I will forget something but:
Smoke alarms in all bedrooms, escape routes and Heat alarms in Kitchens. All need to be mains powered and interlinked.
Locks need to be unlock able from inside without a key
Lighting needs to be provided in the event of an emergency
Possibly yearly PAT testing and certification f the electrics every 5 years
Written risk assessment needs to be updated yearly
As long as you are competent you can write the assessment yourself.
Link To government document
Thanks. Better get in touch with an electrician in that case!
@Toby166 AICO do radio linked smoke alarms that will also integrate with their interconnected (by wire) alarms. This means the electrician only needs to pick up power at the ceiling rose. We are using these as we just cannot run wires between all the alarms. They are also good alarms - better than the ones we had before (Fire angel) that always generated false alarms.
Thanks. Will look into those. I have one hard wired in my hall…so could perhaps use them
Hi Toby I am a fire risk assessor and only based in Kidderminster need any advice or need a fire risk assessment conducting feel free to message.
**[E-mail address removed due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]
You also need to provide an escape route which has scuppered us because we have open plan downstairs and no fire door to prevent fire going upstairs, so we have to close down for now. The legislation regarding more complex layouts hasn't even been published yet!!!!
@Denyse16 I don't agree that you need to close down. Do the risk assessment and say that there is a risk due to an open plan downstairs and the action you are taking is to wait for the guidance on complex layouts to be published.
That’s how I’ve interpreted it too. I don’t have an escape route, but so many properties won’t. I think that’s why we have all the smoke and heat alarms installed. I’ve done a risk assessment, and it’s included that there isn’t an escape route.
@Toby166 You do have an escape route - It is just not protected by doors/walls!
ha ha. Good point. I’ve painted the doors I do have with some special (v expensive!) fire retardant paint…because I don’t see that I need to install an actual fire door…
I'm not sure I've seen these new Regs, but I already do the maximum possible for Safety.
1) Mains powered fire alarms
2) Carbon monoxide alarms
3) Annual Gas Safety Certificate
4) Every 5 years Electrical Safety Certificate
5) PAT test all items
6) Escape Plan on the wall
7) Emergency lighting in communal parts plus Fire Risk Assessment
I've never know an Airbnb guest ask me anything at all about Safety, but I've always been keen to make sure I've done everything possible, just in case.
I’m new to this anyway…so no guest has asked. I think the point is A that we protect our guests…and B that we protect ourselves from any sort of fine that might result from non compliance.
@Heather289 It is great to see you have done all this but the only thing you really MUST do is the fire risk assessment that is now required to be in written form. Without this all your good work is arguably wasted
Oh we had a Fire Risk Assessment done for the whole building by a Qualified Fire Risk Assessor, so that covers everything. But thanks!