Offer to live/work/host/clean, but no income. Most care takers get a place to stay & also an income for managing anothers property when owner lives in another country. Its more lik

Offer to live/work/host/clean, but no income. Most care takers get a place to stay & also an income for managing anothers property when owner lives in another country. Its more lik

I've cleaned house's 30+yrs. An offer to live and work on a property that uses Air & B. The owner lives in another country. The offer is more like I do all the work and pay the owner to live there. They call it a cabin, but it is a 10×15 shed in a canyon. No way to cook food, bathroom is 15 ft outside, pathway is asking for an accident to happen.  Owner wants $1500 +deposit+other fees, I would do all the work co-hosting, cleaning, maintaining property in exchange for living in a shed 10×15 in a canyon.  Sounds like some laws are being  broke.  The owner is a superhost trying to not pay for the job being done, and also collecting rent on top of making money  through A&B. Greedy. Tax invasion. Labor laws  only a dummy would allow this situation to work

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Shawn742 Shawn co host arrangements have changed to the point where co hosts can be paid directly from the house takings which can be split with the host.Other costs of hosting also can be paid from a separate account by the owner. It does not sound like an ideal arrangement but unless someone is being 'forced to accept ' this arrangement and if it is as you say then there is little you can do . Where did you hear about it. ?.. H

@Helen744 Another Air&B I work for passed the info on to me. The owner came to remodel I was a part of this remodel owner likes the way I clean 5️ cleaner. I go above and beyond when I clean. Owner doesn't pay hosting fees or offered that. Owner wants tenant to do everything clean, respond to guests, maintain property in exchange for living in a 10×15 shed in a canyon which is a mess and needs so much pruning, trash removed etc. Three other person who applied sand it isn't a good deal. There is more to this story.  Thanks for your feed back Helen I didn't know about hosting fees. 

I clean for another AB&B she saw the post I think on Facebook. I lost my job of 20yrs. but have cleaned house's on the side of my full time job 30+yrs. My number was past on to the poster. The poster lives in another country.  Had a studio (under main house), a glamp, and the 10x15 shed/cabin on AB&B.  The laws changed in California so poster came to USA to remodel  main house. I was a part of the remodel.  I like her, as she likes me and how I clean. I also clean other homes some over 15+yrs. on a weekly bases.  When I saw her contract it's set up to where I do all the work, she deducts from rent this includes landscaping on property, 24/7 on call, answering guest within 2hrs. Handling problems on property like plumbing, jacuzzi cleaning, watering plants etc. The way reservations work planning a schedule with my regular home cleanings didn't seem doable. $1500 for a 10x15 shed with no kitchen and outside bathroom in a canyon isn't  even close to fair market value. The pathway to shed isn't safe for regular use. Sorry you asked where I saw the post and I went beyond. Thanks for your feed back. I still clean for the poster, but she is looking for someone to pay rent do all the work and not make an income to support themselves.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Then don't accept the arrangement. Simple @Shawn742 

@Helen3 I didn't except the offer, California has tenant laws, as well as labor laws. If you want someone to maintain your property, and clean your Air& B maintain 5 ️ rating. $1500 +$1000 deposit+ pet deposit $250+ $25 credit when you already live there (not me). Your going to end up with someone who isn't going to treat your property and do the hosting/cleaning job. $1500 and no kitchen to cook meals, no closet to hang clothes. I can see requiring a deposit. How does someone make a living? Greed will only attract  someone who will squat, not give a crap about your property, or do the job your expecting. It's a 10×15 shed with no kitchen and a out house with a shower in a canyon with a unstable pathway  with no lighting. Thanks for your feedback. I did not except the offer. I'm a 5️ cleaner that the owner pays. The friend staying there now does not want to clean. Good luck finding someone willing to sign that contract.🙄

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If the deal is as bad as you stay then no one will take the host up on it. If it's breaking your employment /tenancy laws as you feel so strongly about it you could report the host . 

I didn't except, either has two other persons. It's an illegal contract. California has tenant/labor laws. If your going to expect someone to do all the work and pay rent you will need to make a better offer if you want your property to be taken care of and your business be successful you will need someone who cares as much as you about everything, especially if you live in another country. Whomever signs this contract will have a hard time making an income outside of this situation. $1500 for a 10×15 shed no kitchen to cook meals, outhouse with shower. Charge guests $225 for cleaning, & don't want to pay.  Cleaner has 4 hours to clean before next guest arrive, with laundry it takes 6hours. Owner would like it done sooner so they can have more of the cleaning fee. Sounds greedy to me. Moving on. Thank you.