Pet fees and multiple listings

Level 2
Wilmington, NC

Pet fees and multiple listings

We have 15 listings and didn't used to accept pets. Now, we are trying it. The problem is, it's really difficult to keep up with who has pets and who doesn't and invoicing the people through Air BnB. At this time, it seems that any "pet fee" have to be handled outside the normal (and automatic) cleaning fees, etc... 


What's happening is that we lose track of who was charged and we lose pet fees. We manage the listings through the "Your Porter" app. 


How you you folks deal with multiple listings and keeping the pet fees straight? 




4 Replies 4
Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Curt-and-Ada0 Collecting pet fees is just awkward: there is no easy way to do it if you're on Instant Book. If you're approving every booking, you can make a special offer for guests bringing pets which they have to accept when they book. 


I personally deal with it by building it into my pricing. If a high percentage of your guests travel with pets, it may be the way to go for you as well. 


Airbnb needs to add a pet fee as an option when guests book: the current system is way too cumbersome. 

Thanks Alexandra! That is what we also know/feel/believe. I wonder if any of the third party apps deal with it. I have a meeting with the people at Guesty. We'll see what they have.. 

Level 1
Joshua Tree, CA

Dealing with this exact issue for the first time today. Will you update with what guesty says? We’re doing the YP trial right now and I love it other than this point

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Curt-and-Ada0,


We’re very happy to share some details with you that have been recently announced! In the following weeks, Hosts will finally be able to add a Pet fee to their listing. 🙌 🐕


We really appreciate your feedback, so please share with the Community your first impressions on the new feature once it has launched. We look forward to hearing what you think. 😊




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