Hello, I am starting my dream journey to be a host on Airbnb...
Hello, I am starting my dream journey to be a host on Airbnb. Currently, I will rent two apartments and sublet them here. As,...
“SCT [Sonoma County Tourism] believes that now is the time to eliminate the revenue threshold so that short-term rentals can enjoy greater visibility across SCT’s marketing channels and benefit from the robust marketing programs.”
Should this measure pass- and I have no doubts it will - Will Airbnb set up a mechanism to ALSO deduct the BIA along with TOT?
See full announcement here:
First Town Hall: October 25th at 6:00 pm
Register in advance for this meeting
Second Town Hall: October 27th at 12:00 pm
Register in advance for this meeting
See in Resources:
@Donna1157 Shouldn’t those of us in Sonoma County been made aware of proposed changes? I have heard nothing about this. Do you have an opinion?
By now you all should have received your OFFICIAL county notice of intention, if you have a TOT and recorded mailing address.
Same. Got my notice. Do we all have an interest in making a stand for or against. Did you know we have a Sonoma County Facebook group for Airbnb?
Not on Facebook and don’t intend to be. But I’m not sure raising taxes/prices (they can call it an assessment but whatever) is a great idea when people are already worried about inflation.
For the FB adversed here are my comments from the group and more
Note- I list with SCT, am a past SCT Ambassador and current Sonoma County Accredited Hospitality Professional.
And memo to self- ask why they have STILL not updated my listing
My personal position on the issue:
The questions for the Board of Supervisors and more importantly the SCT agency :
👉How will SCT take our funding and utilize it to appropriately and vigorously market owners' VRs who are NOT direct booking (e.g. shared housing /hosts via Airbnb)?
👉How will they support the tourists who specifically wish to book a vacation rental without being redirected to other lodging types?
If they want my money they MUST:
The purpose of BIA is marketing Sonoma County (SCT) as a tourist spot. Hotels, large PM companies, Restaurants,, Wineries, Tour Companies, pay into it and get benefit of marketing, including promotions within the SCT website and social media.
They also provide free marketing cards, tourism magazines, listing catalogues, placards, and will backlink your direct booking website when you participate in their programs and (in theory) promote you directly.
You may list your home with SCT if you have a means of direct booking (sorry ABB). And they will advertise/highlight you at no cost especially if you team up with another local vendor/tourism related company (I have benefited from their advertising, though did not gain any bookings).
SCT as an entity will also provide (at a much higher price) additional marketing- this augments their BIA take.
However, I've yet really seen it as an individual owner.
For instance, I participate and link back to "Leave No Trace," however ONLY hotels are highlighted in SCT website who have paid into their promotions. This despite the required linking of them in my website to participate. I've not gained any direct bookings.
I have however received about 3 inquiries in the last 5 years for free/discounted stays in return for being highlighted in publications/social media geared to highlight Sonoma County..while staying in my place. Unfortunately they were last minute and I was already booked each and every time.
SCT is brought into political discussions in an advisory capacity. Most recently SCT has weighed in /advised on the discussions related to COVID city-exodus to the river and coast; the new TOT and LCP discussions/regs; added prop-tax effort in the Russian River (diverting money to schools/fire departments. They are active in the Municipal Advisory Committees (especially river and coast)
Their response will most likely be they are here to market the entirety of Sonoma County...oh and you too... IF you have a means of booking directly and IF Airbnb pushes to have their Sonoma County listings pop up.
When on their website sidebar (https://www.sonomacounty.com/), lower left side you see a convenient icon : Book Your Stay:
The real question is how many people really look to the sonomacounty.com website when planning a trip to the area, and how many would possibly go to that site to find a vacation rental or really any kind of lodging? I would imagine the number of total visitors to the site is small and the number who would ever go to that site to find a vacation rental hovers around zero.
And isn’t this the same board of supervisors that just passed an ordinance to further regulate and restrict vacation rentals in the county?
The idea that this is about increasing the marketing visibility of the same vacation rentals they are looking to increasingly restrict is just illogical and fails a smell test. I’d feel better about it if they just said they wanted to increase the TOT rate to 14% and just called it a day. This feels like just transparent BS.
Unless you set an official "PROTESTATION" I fear this will pass, especially given the hotel lobby behind it. Afterall it was their idea to drop the level of income we generate to zero to make sure NO ONE was missed in this.
One other question to ponder here:
Given the new regs for STRS: Are the SCT and Sonoma BOS proposing BIA charges as a means to urge STRs to use Property Management companies?
You will note currently the Property Management companies pay BIA.
IF YOU USE A PM...THEY pay it.
Of course they get their money back by charging you up to 30% fees for the privilege of using them.
I've used a PM company- I have no quarrel with them - if they let me also market my own house to assure it actually gets inquiries and bookings (out of the hundreds they have).
But they generally do not market on Airbnb.
So back to my original question: WHAT WILL AIRBNB DO- IF/WHEN THIS PASSES?
Will the platform ALSO deduct the added fee?
We have serious concerns. Why was there a $350k threshold to begin with? When we requested recordings of key meetings regarding the original tax imposed in 2004 through public records, the County Clerk says they are “missing”. Was the threshold created because residential addresses were to be excluded as State law and case law suggests? Is it fair that evacuees, disaster victims, and other County residents are forced to pay this tax when seeking overnight accommodations? The “tourism industry” fueled DMOs like SCT and Visit Santa Rosa rank high on our “Rent Seeking Index” - 8 out of 10. Rent-seeking refers to organizations that spend taxpayer dollars for self-enrichment with little or no value returned to the taxpayer. They have used BIA funds collected in Santa Rosa against STRs there even though STRs have been forced to pay a 3% assessment for the past 12 years. By claiming it to be an “assessment”, rather than a tax, they try to escape State law that requires super-majority public vote on new taxes.
Know that SCT and Visit Santa Rosa frequently use fake numbers to tout their “successes” or demonize STRs. The County-supported California Visitors Center in downtown Santa Rosa claims 60,000 visitors per year, whereas our audits showed 5,000-6,000 (all pre-COVID). The rent-seeking fraud is incestuous between the DMOs with each taking in and expanding upon the others “successes”. The current SCT budget is around $7 million (including there deficit spending) per YEAR, with the proposal to add $3.5 million. Over the past 18 years how much has SCT spent? $50 million, $100 million? What do we have to show for this? They are complicit in working with the County to serve up fake data about the number of STRs, the occupancy rates, the ADR, and “negative” impacts.