The on line coupons that are offered and host have no control over.

Level 1
Seffner, FL

The on line coupons that are offered and host have no control over.

Being a new host just found out by going through web that the company Airbnb and Vrbo have coupons on their sites for discounts when booking.  The disc is deducted from daily rate.  How do you reject these coupons if you dont know about the companies specials they are advertising?  Both Airbnb and Vrbo have them posted.  

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Jeff2538 I've never seen these but I assume they only apply to the price Airbnb charges the guest and not the price paid to the host. Nothing I have seen in the Ts&Cs suggests Airbnb can offer discounts to the amount hosts get paid.