UK VAT When managing a property

Level 2
George Town, Cayman Islands

UK VAT When managing a property



I've started a small company to manage my own properties (2) and 2 properties for a friend. I have been trading for 3 months now but it is obvious that the company will hit the VAT threshold if combining the income of the 4 properties.


I am acting as an agent and I am co-host for my friend's properties but we do the management, arrange cleaning, fixes, etc. I've already asked my accountant and currently waiting for response but would like to know if any of you would have something to say? 


I believe that there are different rules, depending as to whether you are a 'disclosed' or 'undisclosed' agent. I would say that being a co-host on someone else's listing would clasify as 'disclosed' agent? 



1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Ale92 You need to await your accountant's response. No one on here is likely to be qualified to help and if you get it wrong you will be in deep trouble with HMRC.