Sean Rakidzich has a very popular channel on YouTube about Airbnb hosting. In one of his latest videos, he advises hosts to set up a company, rent out apartments and not tell the landlords that you will be doing Airbnb in the apartment, "and it is not illegal," Sean claims. Sean is a host himself he says. Sean has over 200,000 subscribers at YouTube. He sells courses on hosting.
Airbnb has suffered so much negative publicity, I feel this advice is unethical, and will damage Airbnb as a whole, and hosts in particular. I feel that we need to be good examples so that our local communities see the value in what we are doing. We provide jobs for local people and tourists also buy from local stores. Unethical behavior will be talked about. We will all suffer.
But basically lying or (not being totally honest with landlords) is what Rakidzich espouses as being "sales." I feel what it espouses is being a sleaze bag. Sean himself admits this is "controversial." What do others think?
Should we do whatever we want and not tell the truth when renting an apartment as it is "just sales." I suspect that CEO Brian Chesky would be very much against behavior like this. Here is Sean's video:
What do you think?