What Hosts are saying

    Hello it’s urgent . Can someone please help ? I have been sending numerous messages to Airbnb support but not a single reply . I have a missing payout and I accidentally found out that my payout method must be deleted and added again . ( I haven’t changed... Latest reply by Katie
    Our accountant in previous years took all our expenses (utilities, property taxes, linens, dishes, soap, etc) for the year and calculated our personal portion out based on the number of days the airbnb was available for rent (for us it's June, July and Au... Latest reply by Ian-And-Anne-Marie0
    Hi all!My cancellation policy is strict. A few days ago a guest cancelled, a couple of days before her reservation was going to start. Because she was having some family issues, and I wasn't attached to the reservation, I offered to refund her in full. An... Latest reply by Linda108