"The taxpayer information you previously submitted received a failed validation status from the IRS."

Level 2
Denver, CO

"The taxpayer information you previously submitted received a failed validation status from the IRS."

This is the third time that I've received this notice from Airbnb.


I absolutely understand why this is necessary as they will be sending out 1099's for 2022 early in the next year. I'm very, very careful in submitting the correct EIN for my single-entity LLC.


I suspect that mismatch with the IRS may simply be the presence or absence of a "," before LLC.


When Airbnb sends this information, it would be helpful to know whether the mismatch is with the LLC's name, its EIN, address or something else. If I don't know where this mismatch is located, I may inadvertently recreate the mismatch when entering the information again.


@AirbnbHelp is welcome to chime in.

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