A guest entered my room while I was in bed.

Level 2
Indianapolis, IN

A guest entered my room while I was in bed.

A guest entered my room while I was in bed. It was so terrifying that I can't sleep now. The guests were already checked in so they clearly knew where there room was. I feel so violated. 😭

I slammed my door, locked it, said " you must leave"and called Airbnb help desk. I was on hold for 10 minutes and finally when I get ahold of somebody they were totally unsympathetic and suggested it was a simple mistake. No! My room is in the kitchen on the other side of the house! 

11 Replies 11
Level 10
Kraków, Poland



Why are you conflating being in bed and the guest mistakenly coming into your room as if he had some predatory agenda? Basically, you have turned what could have been a quite innocent mistake into something that appears quite nasty.



While on a visit to Japan I joined the local gym and not being familiar with the building I quite innocently walk slap-bang into the ladies shower area (while I was coming from the pool) which was greeted with much hilarity and my big red face.


Not everybody is a pervert and mistakes can get made…


The guest room is directly across from the front door. Around 1am I heard the front door opening and closing and the guests talking loudly to eachother. (They had checked in at least 4 hours earlier.) Then I heard footsteps to the kitchen (on the other side of the house). And then one man opend the door to my bedroom (my bedroom door is inside the kitchen. I keep my kitchen lights on. This could not have been a mistake because the man who opened my door was talking with his brother moments befor in their room which is on the other side of the apartment. 
Sure not everyone is a pervet and everyone has walked in the the wrong room at one time or another and I totally get that. But this was not the case here. Unless, the man was so intoxicated that he didn't know his head from his butt. My guess is he was a bit drunk (hence the loud talking) and thought a cheap thrill could easily pass as an "innocent mistake", it happens to everyone you know. 

@Samantha432  if you don’t want anyone opening your bedroom door, you should lock it. Airbnb guests are often curious & being your bedroom door is by the kitchen, they may have thought it was a pantry. Sorry this happened & I’m sure it must’ve been alarming, but you need to make sure you are protected moving forward or it will likely happen again.

Level 10
Providence, RI

@Cormac0 I think it's safe to say that we don't have all of the details from @Samantha432 's short post.  So, maybe it was an innocent mistake but maybe it wasn't.  It's quite a vulnerable place for a woman to open up her home to strangers so it is more than fair to hold judgment for more information.  Personally, I am not a fan of judgment in general but to each his own.  Mistake or not, her post was one written by someone visibly shaken so perhaps not jump to the old-fashioned conclusion that the woman is hysterical, better men than you are falling all around us.  When people are threatened they are rarely wrong about it, in these situations, the fear response that fuels our survival demands a bit of respect at least. Of course mistakes are made but it seems unlikely if it were a mistake that it would have resulted in a call to CS and this post here that we're discussing - the initial reaction to a threat would have certainly dissipated first. 



I understand that in America with all your gun violence and serial killers, people constantly feel under threat, and yet life goes on,  Hosts rent a room and share a home.


There are two sides to this story and we've only heard one!




Level 10
Bergen, Norway


Even if this were just a silly mistake, it could lead to awkward situations for both parties.  

Allowing strangers to share your home, I would suggest you keep your bedroom door locked at all times.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Samantha432,


Welcome to the Community Center, my name is Lizzie and I am the Community Manager here. 


I’m sorry to hear about your experience here, whether this was intential or not by the guest, I can only imagine what a shock this must have been.


Due to the sensitive matter, I have escalated this to our customer support team.


I know you have already spoken with the team, but for anyone else reading this, please note to receive immediate assistance, the best option is to contact our support team available 24/7 at +1-415-800-5959 // +1-855-424-7262 (toll-free) or www.airbnb.com/contact


I hope this get resolved quickly and you feel better soon. 





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

YEP. I called Airbnb immediatly. I was on hold for 15 minuites before someone answered. The person who did answer seemed more like a robot for his lack of sympathy. He asked me if I would like to refund these people for the night. Um no! I have PTSD over this. Whats more I lost the money from a 3 day booking which I never ended up rebooking. Sure I could have let them stay and got the money but...hell no. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Samantha432 


I can only imagine how frightening it was to hear your door open in what I presume was during the night when you were asleep.


I have to say I have an awful sense of direction so if your bedroom is near the kitchen (which I think it what you said) perhaps it was a genuine mistake. What was the guest's reaction? Did they apologise. Or of course it could have had a much less pleasant intention.


Regardless you are understandably upset and I don't think Airbnb provided the right response.


I too host by myself and have a lock on my room which I use if I am not there or when I am sleeping.


I do hope you get this issue resolved in the way that makes you feel comfortable. 

My bedroom is in the kitchen. The guest room is near the front door, on the complete other side of the apartment. Immediatly before the incident I heard the guests talking loudly and opening and closing the front door. They had been checked in for hours. The lights were all on. I hear steps to the kitchen, refridgerator open, and then bam. He opens my door stands and looks at me. Does not say a word or apologize. 

I diligently lock it now. 


Level 2
Santa Barbara, CA

Same thing just happened to me!!!! I didn’t call Airbnb.  But I think people are nosy and just want to know what’s behind a closed door