Hi, I can't find anywhere to ring so I'm writing this instead as a record of my interaction with a guest. Guest A has just checked in, there is no internet in her room but in the rest of the house , she asked if she could swap rooms and then starting asking me questions about my other accommodation at this point I was really aware of how jumpy she seemed. I said that I would swap her room but I wasn't sure how to do it and when I said that she could swap ( I was feeling anxious by then and thought I'd just block the room on my calendar and let her have it and tell airbnb later) she brought LOADS of stuff with her including a kettle in her car and a radio for her room. Then she said that I should be clearer about the description about the internet in that room. I said that she was able to use the other room anytime and anywhere else in the house ( I am bending backwards for this woman) then she says. We are not going to get on, are we? I said I don't know what you mean I'm trying to make you happy with the accommodation. Then she said, well I thought we agreed that I would use the original room without the internet. So at that point I just mentioned that it was my home and I need to feel comfortable in it, and I want her to be comfortable in my home as well (why dosnt she take the other room?) but she is so adamant and saying I am making friction. Well, what can I say? I'm a good host. She's staying for 6 days... I hope she calms down.