About canceling reservation

About canceling reservation

The person booked to stay at our place on 30th December which is in almost 3 months. The price is very low for that stay because its very big demand so I have to increase the price. I canceled the reservation and I am aware I have to pay the penalty. Now those days are not available for booking and those days are the busiest in the year. Is it possible to make it available?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

No, it's not, @Srdjan15. You've messed up somebody's plans and damaged (in the would-be guest's eyes at least) the Airbnb brand. It's highly likely the person you've biffed will tell a number of their friends...and they'll tell other friends...


This is why you have been punished and will not be able to get Airbnb guests for those dates now.

As well as the financial aspect of your punishment, you will not qualify for Superhost for a year and have the dreaded 'The host canceled this reservation...' message on your reviews (a red flag for many guests).

An expensive mistake I'm afraid. Perhaps use this painful lesson and go into your calendar and make sure holiday dates are appropriately priced.