About reservation

Level 1
Copenhagen, Denmark

About reservation

How come is it guest can book my apartment without any accept from us? I just get a confirmed mail that they have booked. Do  I have to turn something on to avoid this? 

I want to be able to accept people before booking 


best Pernille 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Pernille12  you need to go into your settings and turn off "instant book" and enable "request to book" so that all guests need to send a message seeking your approval before you confirm their reservation.


If you are a new host with a new listing, instant book is set up as the default setting!


Best wishes



Level 1
Copenhagen, Denmark

Thanks for the info. I dont feel Secure with this booking so I want to cancel it. How do I do that? 


Best Pernille 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Contact Airbnb customer services directly @Pernille12  and they can work through the issue with you.


Don't cancel yourself or you'll face financial and other penalties.


Best wishes

