Account deactivation

Account deactivation


Once account is deactivated because of

Does it mean its for a lifetime? 

29 Replies 29
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

Thanks @Helen3 🙂 

@Helen3 rude? She is mixing facts and responsibilities of host who got money for that.

I am wondering how she was helpful. 


What I was saying is that airbnb first said I should not provide ID, later on they said something else and all was max unprofessional. Looks like you forgot that I paid for a booking. 


Here I just summed situation and asked for a help not for discussion how hard times have hosts etc while waiting In the queues at the police stations, no one is forcing them to do this job. 


And also discussion that hotel can leak personal information is pointless.


But it looks like that if someone is not understanding what I wanted to discus and my reply is in fashion that I want to discus something else...its automatically flagged as rude. Well done, really. 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Your account is still active:

But it has no ID verification....

@Emiel1 unfortunately it was deactivated. Its other account. Without it one can't post here. .. It had full verification and around 20 positive reviews... Sadly instead of airbnb educates their support or fire their unresponsible employee they rather remove one frustrated customer..  Litteraly mute one frustrated customer. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

John3372 you need to stop this.


You have now sent a booking request to me;  just to send me a series of unpleasant messages harrassing me because you didn't like to advice I provided you about legal requirements to provide ID at accommodation in Italy. 




I was wondering if that was your intesnse to bloat the thread with all these comments so now noone will read through it and basically help.

You basically taged my comments as rude even Ana was answering / posting comments that were not relating to the core of the issue which was summed up in one of your comments...

I can't see any option how to send you pm so that's why I tried it here.

Reported for what? That you abused my post?

Bye and please next time don't comment randomly if you are not willing to help, that forum is for people looking for a help.


I sent you message above as I was not able to find here option to send personal messange. Is that message above  any harrasment? You havent provided any official legal requriements for accomodation in Italy. Missing any reference to official authorities site. I said that lawyer said its possible to do it online in Italy. 

Maybe in UK this is categorised as harassment but not here. Sorry we live here in west Europe and there is freedom of speach.


I just said that all the information provided by you or Ana are out of context as there is option in Italy to provide those details online so there is no need to scan ID. 


Also original post was about something else ie how airbnb support solved the case, how they differently responded to my concen and queries, how they ignored GDPR, the accident that happened regarding visiting police to block IDs and reissue new ones etc. 

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@John2678 what do you want us to respond? We are telling you that that is the law and if you don't want it you can go to a hotel where according to you they won't sell your info like us "random people". With this attitude it is no wonder your profile got deactivated. There is nothing any of us can do here. Do you want us all to be mad at Airbnb? To support you? That won't change anything. Stop harassing @Helen3 and stop sending her booking requests. 

@Ana1136  i do not expect anything from you or @Helen3  . I described here what happened to make other people let know what is happening and how aibnb treats customers. I was not expecting pointless comments that also "banks or hotels" are leaking personal information, even they are compliant to process such information and sadly yes, you or other random people are not. So sorry but i dont provide copy of my IDs to anyone i meet on the street.


I didnt ask you to be mad at airbnb or support me. Also I was not harassing @Helen3 , I tried to sent her personal mesasge (full context is provided in message above) so yes you can clearly see what kind of "harrasement is there" Sorry but as i mentioned earlier here in west EU we have freedom of speach.


The core idea / post was about how airbnb customer service unproffesionally treats their customers.  No - one was asking if they must or could create scan of ID. As I said its possbible to do it online - thats how they do it from hotels etc. Thats not my issue that host is not willing to do it online because of no internet acces or whatever.

I am also archiving whole conversation in that thread for a blog post and article that will be soon published online ragarding mentioned incident.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Just to let you know  @John2678 it is illegal to publish or quote other people's commments from this forum or other forums or groups,  without their permission in a blog post or newspaper article and I categorically do not give you my permission and I am sure others here won't either when you seek their permission..


By the way it is not up to me to hunt out the relevant legislation for you that governs the accommodation industry in Italy and makes it a legal requirement that they need to collect passport ID or if you are within the EU an ID card. If you don't believe it exists, then definitely ask the lawyer you have employed and they should be able to check this for you.

Ok, I hope my lawyer will manage that, so dont worry. I wont post anything which is illegal.

My post was not asking you how the legislation in Italy works, I got oficial information few weeks ago from lawyer so I know how it works.


As apparently you didnt understand what was that topic related or tried to pitch up .... thats your fault not mine. This was about customer service not about the law/ or IT legislation.


And you are posting to public forum so it can be shared / reused/ posted anywehre.

Can anyone comment here? I also found 

“Digital Exile: How I Got Banned for Life from AirBnB” by Jackson Cunningham


It seems that airbnb thinks its 1984. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @John2678  et al,


Thanks for being a part of this community! I am going to close this thread now as the manner in which the conversation has devolved is not inline with the community guidelines, which I implore you read: Community Guidelines


This community is for help, support and feedback from hosts and guest on the Airbnb platform and you are not addressing Airbnb directly, however content here is monitored, digested and often acted upon. If you have any questions about my decision here, please feel free to message me direclty by hovering over my avatar and choosing Send Message. To reiterate, I cannot speak to any Airbnb decision made to your account but am more than happy to discuss this community, and this thread.


Thanks for you patience and understanding in this matter,





Please follow the Community Guidelines