Address of My Listing

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

Address of My Listing

Hello, I am trying to add a new listing, but it won't accept my address.  We live in a small town in Nicaragua and there are no actual addresses.  No street numbers or names.  How do I get around this?



Thank you,



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Make up an address. As long as you have the name of your town correct, you can always message guests info and email them a map on getting to your place and explain that there is no actual address, because that's how it is in your area. The only problem is that airbnb may reject it as they can't place it on a map.


I live in Mexico on a small dirt road off a long dirt road, and while there are quite a few residences in the area, and I do have an official address, no one would ever be able to find it by the address as most house numbers are not even posted on the house, and the numbers go in no discernible order.