Air BnB China Really Cheap?

Air BnB China Really Cheap?

OK. So I have been looking at China listings, and was really excited. But these must be scams, right?


10 bedroom houses for US$100 a month?


Not all are the same.


Some are 8 bedrooms for $200.


These are the fanciest places I have ever seen in my life too!


Are these  real or scams?

13 Replies 13



Another fake profile account trying to scare friendly Chinese host. 

Shame on you @Abby38 I found your profile picture online. It’s very popular on WhatsApp ...LOL! 


Many have crazy monthly discounts too...




Level 10
Kraków, Poland

There's quite a chance that it's just like on aliexpress - a lot of cheap goods that just look good in the pics, @Abby38. Or scams like you said. And besides certain nations are not to be trusted in business.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 10
Como, CO

Any of them SuperHosts. How many reviews?


Most of them have not been rented yet...


But some have!


Certainly not superhosts.


But I have stayed at plenty with either no reviews or 1 or 2.


A lot of people list on multiple sites and even rent by sign on the street.


So lacking reviews on AirBnb is not that scary to us.


I was under the impression that no one could get away with a scam on here, so all adverts should be safe, right?


Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Abby38 although they try, there are fake listings all throughout the platform.

Use caution in situations like this.


Coming from a place where they put poison in Baby milk and sell it with no problems to their own people, I’d be very very cautious. 

I think reviews and superhost status will serve you well in this situation.


’You know it’s hard out here for a Host’

Makes me wonder how much gas, power, and internet is a month in China?


These are not dumpy places either. They are like extravegant palaces!



@Abby38 Post some links

I was scared to, in case they are real!


If they are real, I don't want anyone else to know about them! lol

Why would you not rent for the month at these prices?



Check out that discount! Is the situation in China really that bad? 44444.png