Air bnb amenities error

Air bnb amenities error

Dear Sir/Madame,


We have just received our guest - Edit from Hungary.

She has told and showned us that on the web site it is mentioned that we offer breackfast. We do not have such of amenities. On our profile app we do not have oped this option.

I am kindly asking you to get in contact with Mrs. Edit and explain the situation.

It is very unconfortable and rude, and We do not want out guest to suffer of any lack of comfort from our side. We trully value our guests. 

I am waiting for a reponse as soon as possible. 


Best regards,

Casa Design 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Casa-Design0 


You have posted your message on the community centre- we are a group of hosts and guests who provide support to eachother, and not Airbnb customer services.


You'll need to contact Airbnb directly about the reservation and the issue you explain in your post- use the "get help" or "help" function on the desktop or app.


Best wishes

