Airbnb App: sorting chat by guests check-in date

Level 1
Sicily, Italy

Airbnb App: sorting chat by guests check-in date

As a host, I have many bookings and sometimes struggle to pinpoint the chat of the guests that are about to check-in.


i cannot find any “sort by” option in the chat page of the App, and having one that allows me to sort the chats by date of guests check-in would be ideal.


if there is no option yet, is there a way to raise it with Airbnb?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Marco1384  I hope you are well!


Yes you're right it is hard to pinpoint chats for guests who are checking-in soonest in the messaging inbox, and I don't think there is a way to sort them currently. (they just appear in most recent order)


What I do is use the Calendar section on the app, scroll down and this lists all check-in/outs/on-going stays by date, (most recent first) and you can message the guest from here- also from the calendar of your listing itself.


Being able to sort the inbox is a wonderful idea though!


Paul 🙂

Level 1
Sicily, Italy

I Paul, I am well thanks!


thanks for the tip, this is actually what I (have to) do all the time...


Thank you



Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Marco1384  I had never really noticed it was annoying until you pointed out a sensible solution!


Fingers crossed it's something Airbnb can think about fixing along with their long list of other things...



Level 2
Weston, CO

This is exactly what I was searching for.  How I wish you could sort chat by check in date.  Would make it so much easier to send arrival details w/o having to go to calendar first.