Airbnb Research Survey

Level 2
Montesilvano, Italy

Airbnb Research Survey

Dear Airbnb Hosts,


I am a student of communication, and I am conducting a research about the HOSTS' EXPERIENCE through Airbnb and how they deal with that (going general to the relation between public values and the platform itself). I would therefore really really appreciate if you could fill in this short survey. (It's anonymous and all the responses will be dealt with with the sole purpose of the research). I would provide you with the results of my research if you'd like, I would be more than happy to share my thesis with you! Thank you very much.



A desperate Master student 🙂

3 Replies 3
Level 1
Paris, France


can we read about your reseach?

Level 2
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dear Marianna,

Hi, this is Phil. a PhD candidate and studying Airbnb.

Have you had a chance to collect sufficient amount of questionairre from airbnb community post? If not what alternative methods have you tried?


Your comments highly appreciated.



Level 1
Mugla, Turkey

Hi Marianna and Phil,


I am writing my doctorate thesis and studying on Airbnb as well. I need to reach at least 500 samples for my study but as you know it is not easy to collect data from online communities. I am also looking for some alternatives for collecting data. Do you have any recommendation for me?

Your experiences and ideas are valuable for me.

