Airbnb Scam Text Message Warning (Smishing)

Level 2
Kelowna, Canada

Airbnb Scam Text Message Warning (Smishing)

I received a security code from Airbnb at 5:38 am . I have been discussing it with  Airbnb personnel but to no avail. I have contacted a television network because it appears to be a global issue. I agree that Airbnb need to take this security threat seriously. All of our ID has been verified in air bnb, some use drivers license , others passports! Not to mention credit cards! 


I couldn't really get a satisfactory answer from anyone at Airbnb, and when I told them it should be disclosed globally, they sent me a warning about speaking abusively and advised me that they could Close my account. I have kept screen shots of all conversations and advised them to do so as well. 


Something is definitely off . 





4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Not clear to me which kind of "security code" you are referring to.

@Emiel1 The kind where someone types your phone number into the verification system . 

I’ve read from others online that even though you could have your phone , the hackers are quite adept at forwarding the code to themselves. 

The security code is exactly like the codes air bnb sent me while discussing this . Lines up perfectly with the others. 


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I used to get these all the time @Connie475  just ignore them. Can't believe you contacted a TV station about having them 🙂

When it comes to client safety and their identity security , taking an issue globally is not a bad thing . 

It’s not an unknown problem . 2E72F4D9-B77A-4939-A555-F08D3C804E90.jpegA3CCD2B4-0D2A-4183-B22A-C2CFF5C2CECC.png