Airbnb app not working

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

Airbnb app not working

App worked fine, then i had to log on via laptop to do the banking details and since then the app on phone wont let me log in. It just says error all the time for 4 days now. Highly annoying seeing it worked perfectly. Have uninstalled and reinstalled it three times already - data wasted, still  wont log in. Had logged out on laptop and it still doesnt work.


Any advice how to fix this please? Have cleared cache on phone but made no differnce.


Its a Samsung Galaxy3 mini.



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Esvee0. Sounds like you may have inadvertently created two accounts; one with an email + password login, the other possibly with a Facebook login (common mistake when using the app).  Try logging out of the app then try logging in with an alternate method. 

If you discover that this is the case, cancel the account that doesn't have your information. 

