Airbnb host cancelled staying

Level 2

Airbnb host cancelled staying

Our host did cancel our whole month staying from the midle. She did not pay us back enough and now she is saying that she wants extra money because apartment was thirdy. I have video after I cleaned the house. It is not thirdy. I have now new airbnb and I'm afraid that if I give feed back and I'm sure that the first host will give me bad  feed back as being nasty back me  the new host will cancel my stay. Is this possible? 

2 Replies 2

@Niina4  At the end of the stay, you and the host both have 14 days to review each other. If your host writes a review but you choose not to, her review will automatically appear on your profile at the end of this 14-day period. 


If you have a confirmed booking with a new host, and they later see a negative review appearing on your profile, it is definitely possible that they'll be uncomfortable with the booking. They always have the right to cancel it, but usually hosts face penalties from Airbnb if they cancel. Airbnb might make an exception if the host's feedback alleges serious misconduct, but I don't know that they'd offer a penalty-free cancellation merely over an accusation of inadequate cleaning. (Assuming that by "thirdy" what you meant was "dirty")

Level 2

Thank you for the information. So I don't need to worry and hurry with feed back. I defenetly will give her one! But first need to calm down a little. Thank you!