Airbnb support is no longer an option

Level 2
Springville, CA

Airbnb support is no longer an option

I have been very disappointed the last few days a months about the support. I have had two big problems back to back with guests renting my cabin for more than two guests. 

When I try to contact the support team to get the reservations canceled I am in endless  phone calls and on hold for hours. Total hours in the last two days were 8 hours and still no response as promised. I gave up and had to get bad scores by canceling the reservations myself from the dashboard.

What is going on at Airbnb??? Have they made cut backs??? I am booked everyday running three cabin rentals and get no responses??? Seems very bad business to me! Anyone else have any suggestions because I call daily to ask why they never call and it's the same old run around.

1 Reply 1
Level 7
Keyport, NJ

One way I try to work around this is by making the price reasonable for a greater number of people, and then I make sure that I lock up anything that is valuable or could be damaged. It is really challenging to prove the number of people who show up, so I don't charge by the person, just the minimum price I would be willing to rent the house for depending on what day of the week it is.