I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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I sent a message to Airbnb's support team 6 days ago explanning about all the errors that I have in my account and on my listing due to technical problems but have not had a response yet.
I sent another message to them 2 days ago because I have another problem but still no answer.
What should I do to have a response and have my problems solved???
@Aimara1 I do not know why you have not received a response from AirBnB support, but if you provide some details about the errors you are seeing, perhaps we can try to help here.
What is happening with your account?
Hello Matthew,
thank you for your response.
I wrote a topic 5 days ago titled “Account and listing errores and other problems” where I tell all the errors that I see. Only Emiel replied but did not give me an answer. Now I have another problem that is a guests review that has no star rating. I can see this review on my computer but it does not show on my smartphone application.
Almost everyday I discover a new error due to technical problems.
We are a forum of hosts, so can't give you an answer as to why Airbnb aren't responding.
Why don't you just give them a call and get an immediate response?
best is to CALL THEM0041435084300
Hi, can you help me?
i have rented out my house and payout still i have not gotten. I contacted airbnb and saw that money is payed out but in my payoneer account i could not see. Please help me how can i get my money with this site?
Hello @Meri13,
Welcome to the Community Center!
Perhaps it may be worth reading this article about 'When do I get paid'.
I see i am not the only host getting ignored by Airbnb Support. I sometimes can get one of two replies per day and then my case manager goes home for the day without solving the problems day after day after day. Apologies mean nothing if the very next day you do it again and four days later I'm still waiting on help.
So far my experiences with this type of "support" has been mostly horrible.
I repeatedly ask (actually beg) to be passed along to a supervisor or someone who would actually answer the questions but am kept hostage in the support link. I dont understand how Airbnb expects us to be great hosts when they sabatoge our efforts.
Im guessing that case managers are penalized when they cannot solve a problem themselves?
Training is grossly lacking when i, as a first year host, often have to share information in an attempt to educate the one i am calling or texting for answers. That i dont mind so much as when I am given a made up answer or a token answer that doesnt fit my scenario.
Help! Im 4 days into Hell with an Airbnb Support Case Manager link and being held hostage!
I'm having a very bad experience with AirBnB support today: they keep disapearing on the chat, which happened twice - as well as not understanding what the issue is I'm asking about.
That is so true. They either don't respond or don't understand the question.
Agreed - I've sent Airbnb support a message on thursday, via the website, to complain that I hadn't received an answer in weeks via email with my correspondent.
That assistance case was just closed Friday, without an answer!
I too am having no luck with them responding to my support question.
What’s wrong with the Airbnb support ignoring our messages !
Unbelievable cold Airbnb support! Sent them half a dozen messages to follow up on a refund they haven't made for over 2 months now! Absolutely NO response. Not a single one!!