Annual limit

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Annual limit

I am relatively new to Airbnb . Is there an annual limit to the number of nights guests can book?

7 Replies 7
Level 10
Lahnstein, Germany

Hi @Celia102 


there's no limit set by AirBnb. You can offer your listing the whole year and the maximum number of days available.


To have more control, You can set the maximum number of nights per listing by your own.


You can also block days in your calendar so that no one can book on those days.


Do you need more advice how to do so?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

There is a 90-day limit (in London) which applies to entire property and room listings. However, it is not enforced by Airbnb for room listings, only on entire properties. 

@Gordon0 The 90-day limit was established by AirBnb itself or local administration?


Of course, every guest who offers holiday apartments or rooms should always be familiar with the local laws.


Short-term-renting becomes more and more strictly regulated in Germany, too. Here on city or federal state level.



Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Airbnb, on the back of local administration/government, @Denis-Mark0@Celia102 is OK (for the moment at least), because it's a private room, not an entire property.

Level 8
Ashcott, United Kingdom

I let out one room in my home but my insurance company limits me to 90 days so check that as well

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Celia102 You may also want to check your local laws when a short term guest turns into a long term tenant and is therefore protected by those laws. Here in Chicago that is anything over 28 days. We have our Mac set at 21 days to make sure we avoid that possibility. You can still choose to accept long term guests, it’s just good to be aware of what you’re getting into.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

if you have a Furnished Holiday Let then you must have it available for 210 days/yr and rented for at least 105 to qualify. Stays over 30 (31?) days don't count.

Furnished Holiday Lets mean you are treated as a business for Council Tax

Hope this helps