Anyone have admin text u about allowing someone to stay last min then u clean-rush just for nothing?

Level 2
Belleview, FL

Anyone have admin text u about allowing someone to stay last min then u clean-rush just for nothing?

I came home early from out of town to prep and had my cleaning person come early just to have admin not contact me again after saying they needed to have a family stay since the first home they went to had bugs!! I wish I could charge bnb for my time away from family to just be lead on  and not have the decency to tell me they Did not need me anymore....

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Lisa868 you are lucky they didn't came, they could have brought bed bugs to your place. It is an inconvenience but on the otger hand it is clean for your next guets. When agreeing ro rent out a place the time away from your family and effort put in should be already calculated in your price.