Bad host behaviour damaging Airbnb

Level 1
Paris, France

Bad host behaviour damaging Airbnb



I am a host and a traveller with Airbnb since 2014.

I have hosted over 25 guests and am proud to have an excellent service record.


Recently, after a long search, I booked a trip to Sicily.

The place looked great - and after our booking was accepted, I let my in-laws and friends know that my family and I would be staying there over the summer. They had started to look and make similar plans when, two weeks later, the host for the property contacted us to let us know that the property was actually not available, and asked us - rather rudely - to cancel the reservation.

When I asked the host to cancel, he refused, explaining that it would be free for us to cancel, and that otherwise our money would not be refunded.


I felt this was unfair, but after a long search I realised that Airbnb places a financial penaly on hosts for cancelling (which is logical), but does not offer guests any kind of indemnity for host cancellation. What's more, there was no way for me to contact Airbnb to inform them of poor host behaviour. Airbnb must not care how hosts behave, and even wants to protect bad hosts from having a bad reputation visible to travellers!


As a host within the community, I find this depressing.

I am proud to be an independent house owner and host, and value having guests who take attention in how they interact with hosts and their properties.

In order to secure growth of its own revenues and profits, Airbnb has included large agencies (like the one I recently had to cancel with) who behave badly, and has cut down on customer support. Over time, these bad hosts will give Airbnb a bad name, drive lower prices and attract customers who expect nothing more than cheap accomodation, and become used to poor standards.


I would like to know if other hosts/travellers have had similar experiences, and if you (anyone out there?) have noticed similar closure of channels of communication with Airbnb?


Of course, if Airbnb is reading this, I invite you to contact me and let me know what you are doing about this issue - or indeed if this clearly defined corporate strategy is going to be "reviewed" to return to the older, more transparent and well supported system.


Thanks community.


49 Replies 49

@Nadine315 when you review a host the host will get a notification email telling him that you reviewed him but he won't be able to read it until AFTER he wrote one as well. Otherwise non of you could leave an honest review. That is what a blind review set up means. 


@Sandra856 :  we had non-blind reviews for roughly the first half of ABB's existence (so far).  I think they were fine enough;  sure,  if someone left me what I felt was an unfair negative review they knew they'd get one in return,  but that was part of the system and in some ways made people more honest and willing to leave negatives than the current "it's all positive" system -- there way a price to leaving a negative (first),   and so most people didn't do it without reason.

Wow!!! These are some appalling host behaviors and I’m sorry for the guests who were obviously maltreated to say the least.  


I’m a fairly new AirBnB user and I’ve had a couple of great experiences with my only 2 AirBnB rentals thus far.   Unfortunately, I had a run-in a couple of days ago with a rather unpleasant host who, after agreeing with me on a room rate, decided to pull the offer.  All because I pointed out that the room rate was not what we agreed upon when I was actually in the middle of reserving it.  When I inquired further and asked to just get a credit to simplify matters, she lied and said someone had already booked the place.  Mind you, as I type it, it is still available.  It blows my mind why people lie like that when anyone can see availability here.  


I did find a much better accomodation after that (outside of AirBnB) and that whole event was truly a blessing in disguise.  AirBnB should really look into these bad host behaviors affecting their reputation.  Mine was minor compared to others’ horror stories but, trust me, I will NEVER consider any property managed by that host and will spread the word!


Watch out for any host with a name starting with “B” in Marco Island.  Cheers! 🙂

Level 1
Hong Kong

I’m with you man. Just got a **bleep**ty host with absolutely unrational behaviour tonight. Trying to pick a fight over msgs. Contacted Airbnb and it seems they don’t really care about hosts behavior and attitude. No penalty no warnings, did I mention we aren’t even guaranteed a refund.


i think traveling to different places with a warm cozy place to stay is great, but if the hosts are assholes and Airbnb doesn’t have a way to penalize hosts with insane attitudes, users would become the victims of any stay and potentially lose all there users and screw their business model. It’s similar to how Facebook is taking a step back to put USERS FIRST instead of businesses. Clearly Airbnb doesn’t really give a **bleep** about user experience which extends out of their app and to the host’s attitudes towards their guests (aka people paying them; customers)


Which is quite odd and unheard of in the hospitality industry. 

Level 1
New York, NY

I’m staying in Dublin the last leg of my trip before catching a flight early tomorrow and felt super bamboozled by the host. The place inside is seemingly modern but the garden apartment is really a ground floor with a bush in front in a dodgy part of town with nothing around. Finally after returning I took off my shoes and walked around my socks for a few minutes to find my feet sticking to the ground and my socks black. When I pulled off the cover, the sheets were entirely synthetic and in poor shape and clearly visible through it was a large blood stain, no mattress cover! I emailed the host who came over 10 minutes later, it was already 11pm and offered to give me new sheets! He explained that they use a special bleach that leaves the floor black but assured me that it was cleaned. I showed him the encrusted dust around the bed frame and he seemed to not see what I was showing him. Them I showed him the cobwebs and again no reaction. He offered me to cancel but where was I to go. I also mentioned that the number was a little scary and that set him off, he stepped up to me with his 6’2 inches giant frame and began cursing at me. My father stepped up even though he only speaks French and I stepped in between the two of them and then the cleaner that the host had brought along stepped him asking him to stop as apparently he always does that! 

Wait a minute what? This apartment had great reviews from everyone! So what’s this about him doing this all the time? I’m super shaky and can’t go to sleep! I’m leaving in 6 hours, And I’m still waiting for Airbnb to reply! I don’t think I’m ever gonna do Airbnb ever again!

@Juliette117 it does sound like this host's goal is to do as little as possible for the guest.

Sorry you are having this bad experience. Most Airbnb hosts go the extra mile for their guests, and spend a lot of time trying to make their listings as nice as possible (within their budget, of course).


You said the place has great reviews from everyone... was that like "3 people" everyone, or more like "70 people" everyone?


My recent experience was in High Point, NC. I am frequently in the area to take my brother to his chemotherapy appointments and I felt that it would be better to stay at an Airbnb, rather than a hotel.  Last weekend I had a family reunion to attend as well and I was tried. However, I booked an apartment and honestly it appeared to be a good deal. I was somewhat disappointed in the neigorhood but the apartment was clean. I notice when I entered the apartment that the sofa was broken. I didn't give it much thought because it was just me and I really didn't need it. I didn't report it to the host which was a big mistake. I usually report broken things when I stay in hotels and they would say it's ok or they was already aware. I decide not to worry about it. I stayed there 3 nights and I cleaned the apartment prior to leaving and I notified the host upon departure as he request. I got home took a nap and then checked my email and found a request from the host for $710.00. Of course I declined payment and reported it to customer service immediately.

TO make an already long story short Abnb states that I owe this money. The sofa was broke when I arrived and other that me making a report to some random customer service person and recieving an email stating it was being investigated. No one else questioned me. I feel like this was unfair. I was the only person in the apt and I over looked a lot of things such as the upstairs apt being so loud it made the furniture vibrate. 

Level 1
New York, NY

A host recently “cancelled” on me by just locking the property, leaving town, and then insisting, to both me and Airbnb, that she had done neither. Airbnb reimbursed me for 2 nights of the 5, and I had to pay for the rest.

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Terribly sorry about your hellish Irish experience. I’d like to say that due to mostly having  bad UK Airbnb experiences that I’ve made the choice to only use it in south east Asia and Eastern Europe now. It’s on a different parallel all together and then will open your eyes to the Uk cash cow Airbnb mentality that catches many tourists out and unfortunately gives you this terrible experience. I’ve also had a couple of stays here that blew my mind and exceeded all expectations. One of those is The Cottage at Ilmington, hosted by Beckie. Absolutely magnificent place...


Some people get it right, the rest are giving us a hellish name. Unfortunately Airbnb are of no use whatsoever at sorting this out for you, you’re always on your own. If something looks or feels dodgy then move on, it most definitely won’t work out. Always read every review no matter how many there are and cheap places stay clear of. If you notice the host cancelling at last minute then also move on, one bad review then move on. It’s ultimately your choice then inevitably your mistake if sh%t hits the fan. 


Your Irish place sounds like a sticky unclean toilet and no doubt on its way out. I really hope your next experience is 100% better. 


Good luck 

Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

I'm am currently in an Airbnb apt with a "Super host" ... I paid an upfront cleaning fee of $100 dollars and it was only because a prior use of Airbnb, I enquired with the superhost about not getting any further charges for cleaning... I found no direction about what I was expected to do to not get additional charges, and I got the run around ftom the superhost  I had to ask 3 times as to her policy for guest cc leaning do as not to get charged again. Mind you upon seeing the bare bone apartment, I tightly felt that pre paying $100 dollars for cleaning was ridiculous .. And finding out what I had to do to not get charged again was frustrating and time consuming, as was trying to explain this same subject to Airbnb... I Continue to discuss this with Airbnb and their way of giving host the same kind of power over consumers that big corporations have.... Use the follow the money rule and this proves the statement 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

As it says in Airbnb T&Cs you should leave the place as you found it @Paul-I0 .


The upfront cleaning fee should cover cleaning and preparation ie new linen and towels, making beds, basics such as toilet paper and tolietries , hoovering, cleaning floors, cleaning bathrooms including bath and shower, cleaning kitchens including ovens and fridges etc etc.


It should say in your guest book/host's house rules any expectations they have - the main ones tend to be washing up after yourself, putting your rubbish in bin/recycling, where to leave the keys (if they are used), etc.


Are you saying there was no guest book/house rules to guide you on this @Paul-I0 


By the way @Paul-I0  you do know that Airbnb says you should upload a clear photo of yourself on your profile not a logo.

Sounds like you were booking for a very long stretch in Sicily. There are any number of reasons why they might have cancelled, but from their point of view, you had plenty of time to make other arrangements. I most certainly would not cancel. 


However in fairness a lot of risk was assumed by you. You got a cut rate vacation, but the hosts may get sick or have a family emergency at any time prior or during your trip, in which case you would be in very dire straits indeed. You may well have dodged a major bullet. 

Level 2
Kansas City, MO

I have had far too many bad host experiences. I stay long term for a month or longer. It seems these listings may just have the bad and psycho hosts. I am making my way through South America, slowly. The most typical scenario is something doesn't work right. I have become very shy about saying anything. Hosts tend to get testy and say it was never a problem before or not believe you. But they have been things like the toilet wouldn't flush anything upon arrival, freezer not working, refrigerator not sealing, the stove not working (no gas). I am shocked by how many units have issues. I am also shocked by the huge variety of standards. It makes me not want to rent anymore from Airbnb, and the service isn't very good when there is an issue. But seriously, I vet the units and the hosts. I have had amazing hosts too, but they are in the minority. Things go wrong and have gone very badly with good hosts and you feel okay about it. Being cool, non-defensive, and showing concern and empathy is helpful. Oh...yeah...the men seem to be the worst. They just think like dudes when it comes to a place. I find, usually, when there is a woman involved in the listing things are more comfortable. However, I have had a bad experience with a woman who was a bit nutty too. It's very exhausting. I also wonder if it is South America or these countries I've been in. I am leaving for Colombia soon and hopefully will find better experiences. 

Level 2
Severn, MD

I just had a bad experience with a bad host and found out that Airbnb won't do much about it - even if, through the Airbnb site, the host misrepresented the offering or didn't provide what was offered. To us this was a huge eye-opener regarding the service, since you would think that there are certain standards required for a host (same as for guests) and that if those are not met, Airbnb would have an interest in taking any actions to at least keep it's reputation.


Well, as mentioned, no luck here, even though we provided a detailed list of issues and pictures when we submitted a request for refund through the service (which is nothing more than a 'request the host for a refund' - which any bad host will certainly reject). Upon chat and voice conversations with an Aribnb customer service person, I had asked how to escalate my claim or write to higher management, and the answer is that there is none! No mechanism to complain formally. I was referred to Airbnb's feedback form, that's it.


I shall mention that the 24-hour claim period the system offers is totally unreasonable since (A) sometimes you need time to gather all your issues and photographs, while (B) you scramble to look and move to a new place or hotel, and (C) you just don't want to spoil your vacation time any longer. Yes, we moved out after the first night (to a hotel) and thought we could put a claim later on. We did ask the host directly for a refund which they refused; because they refused it, we decided to keep the place, since we already paid for it (not to sleep, but maybe as a quick bathroom stop while in town). Our claim with Airbnb was more in the direction of making them aware of the bad apple and perhaps see some action against such a host - to instill back our confidence in the service perhaps. Since the only mechanism we found on this (other than writing a review) was to ask for a refund, that's what we did. But this is a useless mechanism with a host that has proven no concern over the experience - of course they will reject the refund petition! (which they obviously did).


All in all, we have a new, not so rosy, way of seeing this service and most likely will stay away from it, since there is no true guarantee or quality standard to be enforced. The stakes are too high when going to another country (which could have different definitions of good service), on an important vacation perhaps, with the most important component of it all -  a place to stay.


Airbnb ain't got our back, we found. That's a problem for us.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Antonio2713 If you didn't cancel the listing then I am afraid Airbnb are right in not refunding you. You say you kept the listing as you had paid for it - It works the same way for the host - You keep the listing so you have to pay for it.