Base Price

Base Price

Could you help me understand what the concept of base price means? What happens when the base price is set, but the quota is closed?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia



the base price is the one that will be applied if you manually didn't change it on your calendar.

You can set the base price for 2 guests and then also set additional charges for every extra guest after 2.

You can also set a cleaning fee charge.


This answer is incorrect. Please ignore it.

"Base Price" (only visible if you toggle Smart Pricing off) (not to be confused with "Minimum") is so hidden that even Airbnb phone support doesn't know it exists. If Base Price was made more prominent, SP might function properly.

What happens when the base price is set, but the quota is closed?

@Elena2647  what do you mean, what "quota" ?

Quota means amount of available for sale rooms, flats or cottages