I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I ...
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I am currently having a horrific experience with Airbnb. I had a PAST reservation cancelled. The guest have already stayed. ...
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I’d really appreciate your advice here. We have just been into our property after our guests (toddler included) left and found biro scribbled over our lovely pale oak coffee table. We have been hosting for over 5 years now and this is the first time that this has happened.
Does anyone have any simple ideas of how to get this out so that I can avoid charging the guests? If we can’t get it out I’m not sure how we proceed with charging them for the ‘damage’. Ie) how much..it’s a piece of furniture that came with our property when we bought it 15 years ago. Thank you in advance for any advice.
Can you sand it?
Is it marker or pen? Or scratched onto the table? I’ve used alcohol to remove pen scribbles on my entryway table but if it is etched in.. I’m not so sure.
Thank you. Alcohol did get most of it out. Really appreciate your replies.
@Sophie457 possibly "magic eraser" I would recommend trying it somewhere on the table that doesn't show it may damage the finish
@Sophie457 Try a q tip soaked in rubbing alcohol, that has worked for us in getting pen and magic marker out of wood furniture.
Thank you very much for your tip @Mark116. It’s got most of it out. The little tike had taken to the sofa too although harder to see as covers are dark grey. I get so fed up when people don’t respect your home and also don’t tell you. 😤
Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. I’ve managed to get most of it out. Just so frustrating!!
@Sophie457 I hope you make mention in the review that they allowed their child to scribble on the table and sofa with a pen.
BTW, the first time I ever read the word "biro" in a novel, I had zero idea what that meant. Everyone else but Brits call it ballpoint pen. 🙂 Seems weird to call something by a brand name. Like we wouldn't call ballpoint pen "Bic marks".
I was also confused by Aussie hosts talking about crumbs or food mess left on the "bench". In North America, a bench is something you sit on, not a kitchen counter.
Interesting to learn the different terms used in various English-speaking countries.
Oh really?! I didn’t even think about that, just something we always say. We also call a vacuum cleaner a Hoover but also sit on a bench in the UK -Think the Aussies on their own with that!
I will mention the scribbling in their feedback. Sometimes I get so fed up doing this but have to remember that they’re also paying our bills!
Thanks for your reply.
I had to look up biro also, but I am an American. @Sarah977, I thought it meant a permanent marker pen, but you're saying it's a ballpoint, okay. It's guests like this that cause hosts like me not to accept small children.
I guess it’s like Americans using the brand ‘Sharpie’ as a blanket term for a marker pen.
I feel disappointed a lot of the time with guests. I never want to plaster my tiles around the house but I think I’m going to have to. Take shoes off, take rubbish out etc etc!