Booked guest brings friend that causes problems. How do I review this?

Level 2
Salford, United Kingdom

Booked guest brings friend that causes problems. How do I review this?

We recently had a guest whose travelling companion seemed to have some personal problems going on. She was apparently dumped by her boyfriend during her stay at our home.


This resulted in her drinking all day until drunk and then returning to the house and crying hysterically in her room for most of the evening. It worred me as we have our young son in the house and also disturbed other guests.


She eventually calmed down after a number of interventions from me and her friend.


I am looking for some advice as to how I should have reviewed this stay given that it was the person that booked it that caused the problems.

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I would have notified her and her friend that she was disturbing your family and other guests if she didn't quieten down (in line with your quiet time house rules) you would need to ask them to leave.


Review your guests factually and fairly including good points about their stay. Let people known that she had to be asked on a number of occassions to keep the noise down and not disturb your family and other guests.

Level 2
Salford, United Kingdom

Thanks Helen. That's really useful information. It's very much what my initial thought was so I'm glad I wasn't heading in the wrong direction.

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Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Graham146,


Welcome to the Community Center!


I was wondering how everything went? 





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