Booking cancelation for my guest

Level 1
Phan Thiet, Vietnam

Booking cancelation for my guest


My guest wants to cancel the booking, but he can't not do it from his mobile phone and does not have a pc. How can we do it ?

5 Replies 5

Although I do not understand why his mobile phone does not allow him to cancel, I have an easy solution. He needs to go to a place that rents PCs by the hour, log into his account and cancel. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Sergei24 


There is no reason your guest can't hit the cancellation button on his booking confirmation using the app on his phone (unless a technical error).


Suggest he calls Airbnb straight away to ask for their help.


Do not cancel on his account or you will face penalties.

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Your guest wants to avoid your cancelation policy.




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Coloque "@Ricardo". Assim eu recebo uma notificação.

Level 10
Orono, ME


You can call Airbnb customer service and ask them to cancel on behalf of the guest. I've done this before. Just make sure that the communication over the Airbnb messaging is clear that the guest is asking to cancel. It will be a mutual cancelation and not penalties will apply to you. DO NOT cancel for this guest on your own. You will pay a high price.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Sergei24,


Welcome to the Community Center.


I was wondering if your guest was able to cancel the reservation? 



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