

This is Mohanlal Debnath of Peaceful Living. My listing has 96 views in last 30 days and still there is no booking since 12th March 2019. I can't understand what is going on with my listing. I wanted to reduce the price of my listing to attract a booking but the system does not allow me to go below $10. I want to give more discount to my guests but system only allows me to 5%. Kindly help me out and advise me what can I do to get booking. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


There is a minimum price per night on Airbnb, so you can not set a price below that limit.

It is allready very cheap, as you also offer 5% special discount, 18% weekly discount and 32% monthly discount. IMO price is not the issue. 

I think you should tune the english description and make it sound more attractive (ask somebody with good knowledge of english language, not me !). It also says in houserules: potential for noise, but i understand from the listing it is not noisy at all  (?).


About the WiFI :  you mention some limitations, but do guest have to pay extra when exceeding limits ?


You can also do some marketing outside Airbnb, maybe read this:

Direct marketing for your Airbnb

Use your listing:

or homepage:

for that purpose


Best regards,





Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Mohanlal0  You have a few reviews and they are good, so obviously that's not the problem. I think you could have more and better photos. For instance, there is no photo of the bathroom, which guests would want to see. Also you say it's a self-contained apartment, but there are no cooking or eating facilities? With no kitchen, I would classify your listing as a private suite, rather than an entire apartment. If there is space to do so, you might put in a small kitchenette- a microwave, a small cupboard with some dishware, a little mini-fridge, a small eating table and a couple of chairs. I know this costs $, but I also think you could up your rates somewhat, as opposed to dropping them, although I don't know what is standard in your area. $13/night seems awfully cheap for a self-contained unit. Raising prices doesn't necessarily turn away guests, and sometimes when they see a really cheap place, they assume that it really won't be very nice.