I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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My bookings have slowed way down. I have lowered my price. Anyone have any other suggestions for getting more attention?
@Janet605 When a listing first goes live, Airbnb gives it a temporary and artificial boost in search results. That phases out after a month or so, and after that the normal laws of supply and demand apply. It can take a year or so to have a strong sense of what your occupancy patterns are going to be like, but in the meantime you can get some insight from looking at the successful listings in your area and seeing how you compare on amenities and pricing. Perhaps you have a distinct high and low season, in which case I'd imagine this is going to be your low one.
I'm experiencing the same in Dublin, Ireland. Our winter months are very slow. I turned on instant booking so that my listing appears higher in searches. I compared my price with other similar listings and have dropped my week and weekend prices by about 20€. I changed my main Airbnb listing photo to a more eye-catching one... I was eligible for a couple of promotions, so put a 20% discount on certain dates (I set the original price to slightly higher, so it's not really a discount... But still looks like a special offer). I also changed my Listing name to different things. What performed well, was saying in the listing "20% off for November" ... Or saying something about the location and vibe of room. E.g. "Artist's home near Brewery and Vintage Shops"
@Janet605 I just want to say I think your place looks stunning - what a view! 🙂
Make sure to update - block/unblock a day in your calender or swop pictures etc. often. That way the system will see you as an active listing and it will help you in the search/ranking placement.
When comparing competition make sure to add specific dates/weekends otherwise you will see all listings in the area - also those not active and the prices is not accurate.
Best, Sandra
Looking at your listing I am puzzled by the lack of listing description and the bed count. Your listing is incomplete IMO. You have great pictures. Is there a reason you have not completed the listing?
I wonder if it is better to have a lower rate or to apply a discount. I think the search function is based on the price in the calendar, not including a discount so that might be something to look into.
You have 3 very positive reviews. Did you get any helpful feedback?
@Linda108 I didn't even noticed that. I looked at it as a real potential guest - only looked at the pictures and read the reviews - I didn't read a thing.. hahah 🙂
Having only 3 reviews might be hurting during a seasonal downturn. After my summer season last year, things just slowly died by October and so I closed down for the year. This year I was really surprised when I was still able to book Oct and Nov weekends at my Summer rate prices. I think it's because I have more reviews and because I am one of the few in my area with a 5.0 rating.
Survey the area. Are other stays, that would ordinarily be booked and unavailable, unbooked at this time of year?