Calculating Payment for guests

Level 6
Kingston, Jamaica

Calculating Payment for guests

How would a rate be calculated if a guests confirmed their booking then decided to change their dates.  If the hosts changed the price or rate for the property how would this affect the new total cost for the guests?

(A) What would happen if the price of the proper rises, would the guests pay more for additional days?

(B) What happens if the price for the property falls after the guest confirmed their bookings, would they pay less?

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The actual (new) price is used in the calculation for additional dates when changing a reservation. Even a new cancellation policy (if changed)  will apply, please read:


But a host can change the total price manually to a price calculated with the old price level, if desired.


Best regards,


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2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The actual (new) price is used in the calculation for additional dates when changing a reservation. Even a new cancellation policy (if changed)  will apply, please read:


But a host can change the total price manually to a price calculated with the old price level, if desired.


Best regards,


AIRbnB is just like a spider web. It is hard getting around their web page especially if one havnt got much time. Thanks a lot for your response man.