Calendar imported from Homeaway doesn't block last day

Calendar imported from Homeaway doesn't block last day

Hi, we've imported a calendar from Homeaway but Airbnb's calendar doesn't sync the last day.


So, for example: we have a booking from the 1st to the 10th of February on Homeaway. When imported, Airbnb's calendar only blocks from the 1st to the 9th of February.



We've tried changing the check-in and check-out times to several combinations in order to see if that could somehow fix it but apparently it doesn't change anything. We've also tried enabling the "Preparation" field to be "block 1 night before and after each reservation" also without success. 


Is there any way to make the calendar import correctly? Thanks.

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Scotland, United Kingdom

Hi, the airbnb calendar only shows nights booked unlike Homeaway which extends the 'block' into the check out day