Can I become a co-host if I am not a host?

Level 1
Tel Aviv, Israel

Can I become a co-host if I am not a host?

Hi Guys,


I will soon start helping a friend hosting his place by co-hosting with my account. 

My account is not a host, as I have never listed any listing before. 

Does anyone know if it's possible for him to share his listing with my account? 


Thanks in advance,


4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you want to be useful as a co-host for your friend @Tom903 , it is worth you spending some time looking through the useful community guides on these forums and the Airbnb Help Centre so you can understand how Airbnb works


Your friend can set you up as a co-host on his listing. Search Airbnb Help Centre for co-hosts.

Hi @Helen3,

Thanks for the reply!

I am familiar with the site and with co-hosting, but never acted as a co-host using my private account (which never hosted before). 

So, are you saying They can ad me as a co-host even when my account is not a host? I couldn't find the answer in any previous questions.


Thanks again!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you are familiar with the site and co-hosting you will know that a host can add someone as a co-host regardless of whether they have their own listing @Tom903 


If you had looked at the information I directed you to about co-hosting on Airbnb Help Centre you would have seen that it confirmed this.

Thanks @Helen3!