Can someone explain this invoice to me?

Level 1
Houston, TX

Can someone explain this invoice to me?

Can someone better explain the below invoice to me? 

-Why does each month have a different per night total.   

-Why does the total number of nights charges come out to $.25 less then is listed on the invoice. 

-Why does the total number of nights not equal what is listed on the invoice. 

-Why did I pay more the first month then any other month?  


This is supposed to be a 6 month rental from Nov-Apr.  I showed up in town 5 days early so the Host started the rental on Oct. 27th.  Now I have to pay my rent every month on the 26th of the previous month.  AirBnB Customer Support via India told me the system set it up this way and they can't change anything in the system. Airbnb Invoice.png

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



I give it try:


The total price is spread out over the  total period. The price is 34,42 per night (incl servicecosts) or 32,66 per night (excl servicecosts). This price mentioned here is rounded up (2 digits: .66),  in the calculcation there can occur a small difference like the $.25


The total amount of nights is 186. The final payment says 5 nights, but this is not mentioned correct:  if check-out is on 1 may, it is 4 nights. It also explains the low nightly (statistical) price mentioned there. It does not effect the total price.


Why you pay more in the first month is not clear to me, maybe the cleaning fee is included there ?


To me the invoice looks correct when it comes to total price and the payments. Long-term-stay payments starts allways on date of check-in (here: 27 okt) and next payment starts on same date of the month (here 27 nov, 27 dec, etc..). The nightly prices mentioned at each payment is only for statistics, it is simply  a (rounded up) calculation of monthly price divided by amount of days.


Hope this helps,
