Can't add gift card as payment method

Can't add gift card as payment method

Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble adding a gift card to my payout methods. Everytime I try it it says only US residents are allowed to use gift cards and that I need to change my settings to reflect my US residency. But I am a US resident and it says so in my profile. I don't understand why this is happening. Maybe because I host a property in Costa Rica? I don't get it. My profile shows that I'm from the US. Can someone please help?  Thank you




1 Reply 1
Level 1
Aguadilla Pueblo, Puerto Rico

Hi Jeff, were you ever able to get this sorted? I'm having the same issue. I'm a US resident but I'm temporarily living in the UK... and the Airbnb website is saying I can't add the gift card even though I have a US address and US payment methods. Very frustrating!