I am trying to add a second payout method so i can pay funds into a different bank account from time to time, but the add payout method button is not highlighted so i can not click on it, the payout routing rules below that also has no way to click on it?
It would look like we are stuck with this one bank account, what if i wanted to close that bank account and use a new one?
I'm having the exact same problem. I tried contacting AirBnB twice (via email) but I haven't received any reply. Can anyone help clarify how one can add a second bank account if the "Add Payout Method" button cannot be clicked?
Actually another host has just asked about this. Can I check which browser you are using and if you are experiencing the same issue if you try another? I would recommend trying to clear you cache as this can often help.
I hope this helps and do keep me posted on how you get on.
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