Cancel a booking

Cancel a booking

I need to cancel a booking my end as i don't want the customer to pay the fees.


It is my decision to cancel as the circumstances of the the studio has chanhged. We did offer alternative accomnadation but they did not wish to take it.

I do not want to loose my sutper host so How do I do this please.


Kind regards


3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Angela1148 Don't cancel yourself- get in touch with Airbnb support and see if they can cancel for you if possible.


If you cancel yourself from your end you'll lose you SH status as you say, as well as have a cancellation review on your profile and the associated problems and drop in rankings that come with cancelling a guest.

They have cancalled thank you so no fees for my guest or us and SH still in place.

Many thanks


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Ok great news 🙂 @Angela1148