Cancelation Policy and Damages?

Cancelation Policy and Damages?

Hi there

I would like to establish at my listings a strict 30 days cancellation policy. I've read on the webpage that it's only possible by "invitation"?

What happens if a customer damage my property? A couple of weeks ago, one customer broke the percolator. We talked about it, and he paid for that. If he didn't want to pay, what's the scenario for that? I would like to ask my customer in the future for their card details before the arrive at the property. Would it be possible?


1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

I see that you have 2 listings, @Emily-Prudence0 and neither has a security deposit.  Most minor damages that are provable to a third party can be collected through the Resolution Center with Air BNB accessing the security deposit.  


BTW, I was not able to see your photos for either listing for some reason.  Don't know the difference between the two listings, but you might double check your listing by a blind search so you can see what a guest sees.


You can get more information about Security Deposit, making a claim, using Resolution Center etc in the Help Center FAQ


Good luck!!