Canceling a Long term reservation

Level 2
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Canceling a Long term reservation

Dear all, looking for help to those experience hosts. I am new to hosting and I havent really learned how airbnb works for long term reservation. A guest booked my place for 28 days instantly without inquiring about the place. Yes, my instant book and smart pricing mode is on that’s why he manage to book it instantly without me having it altered for next year’s rate. My concern now is the rate for his 28 days stay is too low and i wanted to cancel his reservation but I am afraid that airbnb will penalize me for doing so. Need help on this matter. What should i do! Please help! 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@Madel2 contact customer service, plead ignorance and a bit of grovelling wouldn't do any harm. New hosts get away with making an occassional mistake.

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



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Don't mention money...... call ABB and strongly insist you are completely and totally uncomfortable with a guest who would book a long-term stay without any sort of prior communication, you did not think to limit length of stay, and ask them to cancel. It will help to add that you are a new host and your calendar was not up to date and plead ignorance like @Jeff158 suggests. Good luck~