Cancellation fee is excessive

Level 2
Manchester, United Kingdom

Cancellation fee is excessive

Hi, I have cancelled a booking 72 hours after payment as there was a misunderstanding between the host and I. The booking was 4 months away so had no impact on the host whatsoever.
Got the refund but Airbnb kept £484 as fees ($650).
Isn't this completly excessive and trampling on our consumer rights? I have called support but did not manage to rustle anything positive. Has this happened to other people? Is there a way out?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If this is the amount of Airbnb Guest Service Fee, then the booking must be almost over £ 3000,-  !

(As fees are appr. 14-16% for bookings less then 4 weeks stays).

When you cancel, the attached cancellation policy (which is accepted by you at time of booking) calculates your refund.

If you had to cancel because there was a misunderstanding, it depends on the facts leading to this misunderstanding if Airbnb could have helped you (by cancelling the reservation panelty free).

Best regards,


Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Unless this was for a long-term booking or a very expensive property, the fee does sound excessive. Are you sure it's just the fees you are paying because hosts can select from different cancellation policies and just because you get a refund, that doesn't mean you are getting a full refund. If a host has a Strict cancellation policy, for example, you will never get a full refund unless you cancel within 48 hours and that's only if they have selected a Strict policy with that grace period. It sounds to me like you got a partial refund and therefore paid the full fees and part of the accommodation costs.

Level 1
Hamilton, Canada

I totally agree with this unfortunate consumer. I am in a very similar position presently. I reserved and paid in advance one months rent and after arrival found the condo rental in the middle of nothing. No stores or shops within miles. I quickly saw the fridge was extremely small and did some calculations on the cost of transportation as there was no public transportation, as well. I asked for a larger fridge since I was on a long term stay, the Host refused. My argument with Airbnb is the Host knew I was a senior and a long term stay why did he not have the appropriate appliances for me, especially, in such a remote location.  Airbnb charged me 1/2 of the total amount after I cancelled the contract after 7 days stay. My position is the loss was excessively high for the reason the Host did not explain facts about the remoteness of the building, the appliances, and lack of public transport. I am presently arguing with Airbnb for a refund of $445.00 which I feel is a  fairer amount since the host held back important information.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Did you book with a host that has a strict cancellation policy @Lorenzo345 ?


What was the misunderstanding between the host and yourself that caused you to cancel the booking? I ask because that will have bearing on whether or not you might receive a full refund.


Did you book a long term booking?


Airbnb offers you a 48 hour grace period so if you make a mistake when booking or change your mind you have two days to sort this out and cancel your booking penalty free. After that the host's cancellation policies or long term booking policies kick in..


It's difficult to comment based on the information you have provided. If you can share more detail we can try and advise.