

Dear community center,

I would like to aks help about reservation. Thank you so much if you can answer me as soon as possible.

I have status of Super host for now, and I have situation that I need to cancel one reservation, that will be first time for cancel reservation. We have just contacted the guests and offered them our second apartment which is also beautiful but not big like first one. They did not accept this solution.

Now I need to cancel like a host and I am woried about automatic review and  status of Super host, am I lost this status now or...

This reservation what I need to cancel is in May ( 25.05) in any case guests has lot of time to find other accomodation.

and last questions, what happen if I still keep this reservation (and try to find some solution) can I cancel later if I need it.

thank you


3 Replies 3
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



The best solution is for you to contact AIrBnB - have them cancel the  booking, and find an alternative for the guest. Hanging on in the hope that the guest will be happy, or the situation will change is a  dangerous game as you will either end up with a bad review or face penalties. You do get a number of penalty free cancellations - however, it does seem that the platform does not alwasy recognise these - so best to speak to airbnb or contact them on Twitter (search for AirBnB help)


Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


kao što su ti savjetovali @Gerry-And-Rashid0 najbolje je da kontaktiraš Airbnb i ne otkazuješ sama. 

Nejasno je da li domaćin ima pravo nebrojeno puta otkazati rezervaciju samo u slučaju kada 

 je to greška gosta ili zbog izvanrednih okolnosti kao bolest i sl.  .... ili .... ima i pravo otkazati do 3x godišnje ako je do rezervacije došlo greškom domaćina npr. dupli buking i sl. Naime, u SAD-u se prikazuju različita pravila otkazivanja nego u ostatku svijeta. Zato je nabolje da kontaktiraš ABB i pitaš kako otkazati a da te ne kazne.

Jučer je Robin (radi u ABB podršci) objavio ovaj zanimljivi post pa si pročitaj.  

Javi kako je prošlo  . 


Hvala Vam puno na odgovoru.

Ja sam zamolila gosta prvo da on otkaze i da cemo mu mi potvrditi povrat novca ali on je zatrazio da mi ipak otkazemo Ta rezervacija je za 05-2018 i zapravo smo gostu ponudili nas drugi apartman, ali nisu pristali. Uglavnom nadam se da ce nesto rjesiti da ne gubimo status super hosta.

Javim Vam sto je bilo.