Hello , recently i postet apartments for renting on AirBNB. Also i tried to register on payoneer , but firstly i post apartments. After a week Payoneer have answered me that they dont offer AirBNB services in Latvia anymore. But I have guest for 2nd may : how I will receive a payment for him if i dont have payoneer. I tried to add paypal but as I can see in dashboard this payment should come to Payoneer and to paypal i will receive only payments for new apartments which i will add after I added a paypal account to my Airbnb account. What i should to do to receive this payment to my paypal account ?
When I started to use Airbnb I gave number of the credit card that I had in that time. 3 weeks ago, I made change in payout preferences, where I added new credit card instead of previous. And I see that default payment is with that new card.
But when I check where, on which card, I have been payed, I see that every payment still goes to old card. What to do?