Charging more for more guests

Level 1
Atlanta, GA

Charging more for more guests

Hi!  I have found similar conversations, but not exactly what I am looking to find.  We have a 2 bedroom house that we rent.  The house strictly states no more than 4 guests.  However, our rate is the same whether it is one person, two, or four.  The issue is, when a party of 4 book the place, they end up paying like 40/night each.  I feel like this incentivizes the wrong people to want to book (younger kids, concert goers etc.) rather than experienced travelers.  Also, the place requires much more cleaning following 4 people...

If I raise the price, then it is unaffordable for one person or a couple.  

What have you all found to work here or is it just the unfortunate side effect of renting?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Add a per person charge after two guests, @Katie621 . You do that in Pricing under Extra Guests when you edit Standard Fees and Charges. 

If you get a chance, look at everything in the edit side of the site. You will be surprised at all the things you can do. It's worth the time.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Like @Lawrene0 says, charge for +1s. And get a lock for the second bedroom door so it can be shut off if just the one guest.